Tag Archives: photo

Day 291

A truly delightful day with good people. This morning exploring a corner of Bristol I’ve not met before, messing around with my camera toy app, it’s been a while!



IMG_0117.JPGAs I travelled home the sky lit as though focusing my journey, later it would be as if you could reach out and touch the bottoms of the clouds hanging low across the valley below.


Day 279

This delightful creature is 12 tomorrow.

IMG_2483.JPGNot quite sure how this happened really. Niece no. 1 who is most awesome, unique, creative, loving, delightful. Her auntie (that would be me) completely failing to get her card in the post early enough to reach her. This evening then, I have trawled my photos of her from birth and made her a little Spark (great app btw!) to celebrate…ending with this.


Day 277

A little of a few things today. Finished the crochet rabbit from yesterday. Took a stroll as the rain began to clear away, so took a couple shots of the beach and the sea. Finally made a proper effort on refinishing the fish dress, only to be foiled but the bobbin thread running out, do guess that’ll have to wait until tomorrow!



